Tuesday 21 February 2017

Title Transfer Holding | Defining Timeshare and its Pro's and Con's

Title Transfer Holding is a timeshare relief company, specialized in cancellation of timeshare contracts. Our experienced and qualified team, with years of understanding in the field, are specialized in cancellation of even 10 years old contracts, whether it was signed ten years or 1 week ago. By respectful and important relations with real estate executives and financial advisers, we are recognized professionally as the “go to” in the industry if you want to cancel your contract and require debt to timeshare resort and vocational clubs.
Experts at Title Timeshare Holding stand among the top professionals that successfully provide our clients the easiest and affordable way to dissolve your timeshare problem completely and get partial or full refund for you. We deliver managed and professional services including planning, operating and optimizing. Count on us to help you if you are tired of paying maintenance fees year after year and not using timeshare due to any reasons
What is a timeshare?

Timeshares are different kinds of real-estate purchases, but according to Title Transfer Holding it is not a financial investment. It’s an acquisition where instead of you paying and owning an entire piece of property that you can use whenever you want, you actually pay a share of the price and own a share of the property. You divide your time in the property with other owners, and can use it in a certain period every year, but how long you can stay also depends on your share.
It is not a type of financial investment since to pay it to themselves, it needs to be used. The objective is to have a good time in the same place every year. Timeshare exists in the U.S. since 1969, generating around $8.6 billion in annual sales in 2015, according to the American Resort Development Association.
There are four types of timeshares and Title Transfer Holding explains that in a simplistic way: the restricted one, where you have a fixed time every year to use; the flexible one, where you can decide the time you want to go, but remember there are other shareholders choosing a date too; the right-to-use is the type of policy that the developer maintains ownership of the property, leasing the place for an amount of time each year for a few years and the last one is the points club where buyers can choose a place to stay depending on the amount of points they’ve accumulated from for buying a specific property or purchasing points from the club.
The pros of having a timeshare

1. You want to go somewhere in your next vacation but don’t have access to it? Title Transfer Holding says that with the prices of hotels and rents at their highest, the timeshares seem financially attractive because you can have a condo in a popular vacation spot even when you don’t have the resources to purchase one. This type of acquisition will allow you to live in a condo for a timeframe.
2. You don’t have to worry about security issues or upkeep when you are not in the property, the maintenance fees will take care of that.
3. If your contract approves, you can make your timeshare more profitable by subletting the unit that will buy you a week of vacation. Title Transfer Holding remembers that your profit will depend on how much you will pay for the maintenance fees, special assessments, and monthly mortgage.
4. It is convenient for large families, since the spacious 2 or 3+ bedroom condo is better than rent several rooms for a large family.
5. Your vacation is all set if you like to visit the same place every year and you don’t need to concern yourself with booking.
6. There are exchange programs that you can trade your vacation place for a different location every year.
The cons of having a timeshare
1. There are various costs involved like the maintenance fees that rises each year, even if you don’t use it. Special assessments, taxes, and most of the time, a mortgage is also involved. Title Transfer Holding thinks that booking the same vacation at the same resort can be cheaper.
2. Carefully read the contracts as they sometimes can lock you in for life. This is the most important for Title Transfer Holding. This timeshares can be passed onto future generations.  
3. Timeshares generally lose value as soon as you buy them, and they are not easy to sell.
4. There are also the limitations in booking the place. As your location and date are already booked, it is difficult to change this date to another one.
5. To buy a timeshare in another country is even more difficult. Most places you are in are limited to “right to use” timeshares.
6. An unpredictable real estate market can make time sharing a volatile thing according to Title Transfer Holding. What you bought thinking about selling later can drop in value due to hundreds of variables.

Wednesday 15 February 2017

Title Transfer Holding | How to Legally Get out of a Timeshare Contract

Consumer protection laws exist to defend you against deceptive and unfair business and sales practices, which are commonly used by timeshare sales representatives to encourage you to buy within the arrangement. They use these misleading tactics to make a timeshare seem like a great investment that can fetch huge returns. If you think you may have been tricked into buying timeshares and you wish to out, here’s a good news: it is possible to get out of the timeshare contract legally. With consumer protection laws, you have the freedom to dispute the contract due to breach or consumer rights violations. The law says that if unfair or deceptive practices were used for financial gain, you have every right to receive a fair settlement as long as there are warranted claims. Here are tips on how you can legally get out of a timeshare contract:

  • Understand your options – When getting out of a timeshare contract, you usually have a choice between canceling and terminating it. Cancellation occurs when you want to end the contract by breach. The effect is similar to a termination, except that you have any unperformed balance and remedy for the breach which are still retained by the canceling party. Breach of contract, by law, may release you from obligations under that contract. Termination occurs when you end the contract for reasons other than breach.
  • Decide early – If you have recently purchased your timeshare, it may still be under a cooling off period or rescission. You may cancel the contract and get your deposit back during this time. Once that period is over, the company might have you believe that you cannot cancel the contract anymore and that you are perpetually bound to pay the increasing maintenance fees for ownership. This is not true. You can still get out of the contract, but the process becomes considerably more complicated.
  • Find an attorney or law firm that specializes in cases like this – Timeshare law is a specialized area that requires proper legal representation. With a specialist, you can easily and legally terminate your contract successfully. Consider hiring lawyer if your cooling off period has expired or if the timeshare company is making it difficult for you to get out of your contract, even if the grace period is still in force.
  • Use a timeshare termination service – More than 1.2 million licensed attorneys are practicing in the US, but less than one percent of them are specialists in timeshare law. The best way to find these lawyers is to work with a timeshare termination service provider than connect you with the finest and most experienced timeshare cancellation attorneys and law firms.

Timeshare contracts are legally binding documents, but that does not mean that you can never get out of one. Perhaps you entered into a timeshare contract because you were deceived or tricked into it. Perhaps you didn’t have the willpower to say “no” to aggressive sales tactics. Perhaps you willingly bought a timeshare only to regret the decision when you came into financial problems. Don’t worry—you can still legally get out of a timeshare agreement if you act fast and follow the right procedures. Here are some of the things you need to know how to legally get out of a timeshare contract:

  • Why do I need to act quickly?
Timeshare contracts usually provide a grace period during which you can still legally get out of it. The cancellation period should be indicated in the contract, which should clearly state the number of the days you are allowed to rescind the agreement. If there is no grace period, look up your state’s laws on timeshare contracts or get in touch with the state consumer protection office.
  • How do I cancel the contract within the cancellation period?
The best way to do this is by writing a letter. Be sure to include your name as it is indicated on the contract, your address, email address, and phone number, the timeshare’s description, the date you bought the timeshare, and the statement that you are canceling the contract. You do not have to mention the reason why you want to cancel the contract. Just be sure to deliver the letter to the company within the cancellation period, and make sure that all details are correct.
  • The cancellation period is over. Can I still get out of my timeshare contract?
Yes, you still can, but you need to find a qualified and skilled lawyer in your state to help you. Many timeshare companies declare that you cannot cancel the contract after the cancellation period is over, but that is not true. Look for a timeshare cancellation attorney who can help you. However, this means that the lawyer will bring a lawsuit against the company.
  • How do I find a timeshare lawyer?
Find an online financial services platform that lets you find timeshare lawyers from its network of attorneys and law firms in the US. That way, you can easily find and pick the best person who can help you get out of your timeshare contract.
Strategies on How to Legally Get Out of a Timeshare Contract
The timeshare contract may be considered a binding legal document, but that does not mean that it is absolute and cannot be terminated. The misconception that a timeshare contract is interminable is the result of some fraudulent and dishonest timeshare companies claiming that it is, causing many consumers to feel intimidated and powerless. Under the law, contracts, including timeshares, can still be canceled or terminated for a variety of reasons, including fraud and realizing that the timeshare is not for you. Seeking legal counsel from a leading marketing platform for timeshare attorneys can get you started on how to legally get out of a timeshare contract. Here are some strategies that attorneys may recommend:
  • Cancel the contract within the cancellation period – Timeshare contracts typically have a given period when you can cancel it. That period tends to vary by state, but it is usually between five and ten days. This right cannot be waived, and this means that the company who sold you the timeshare cannot tell you to give it up. Hence, you need to act quickly as soon as you change your mind about the contract, and be sure to write the cancellation letter and give it to the company within the allotted time frame
  • Sell the timeshare – Consumer Protection Laws requires the private seller to provide full disclosure of all terms, conditions, and full disclosure prior to executing a financial commitment. Such as
  • Timeshares are not real property;
  • The true owner of the real property is the developer;
  •  The developer can legally charge you fees above and beyond the maintenance fees without the owners’ consent;
  • Upon the member’s death, the members heirs successors and assigns would HAVE to inherit all financial and legal obligations under contract. With such facts being disclosed; people will not have an interest in purchasing a timeshare; would you?
  • Terminate the contract with help from a timeshare attorney – In some cases, you might be able to get out of the contract, even after the cancellation period has expired by suing the company, especially if you suspect fraudulent or dishonest selling practices. Remember that consumer protection laws exist to protect you from deceptive and unfair business and sales practices. An experienced timeshare attorney can tell you how to legally get out of a timeshare contract.

Just because the people who sold you your timeshare says that the contract is forever binding doesn’t mean that it can never be canceled. timeshare cancellation lawyer can help you exit your timeshare contract in a legal manner. Don’t believe timeshare companies that propagate the misconception of ‘no cancellation’ because this simply isn’t true. Even if there is a ‘perpetual’ clause that supposedly binds you to the contract forever—and even if your heirs and successors are supposedly legally bound to inherit all financial obligations—there is still a way out. The law allows timeshare contracts to be terminated for a number of reasons—most notably if deceptive, unfair, or fraudulent sales tactics were used to sell it. The key is to hire a timeshare cancellation lawyer that specializes in this rather complicated niche.
But there’s a slight problem: it can be very difficult to find a real specialist in timeshare law. Less than one percent of the 1.2 million attorneys in the US today have experience and interest in timeshare litigation. You might be wondering—what can you do to find experienced timeshare lawyers? The key is to seek the help of a financial services firm with a focus on consumer advocacy. They have the network and the tools necessary to point you to a reputable timeshare lawyer in your area or state. They can also advice you on the choices available to you in rescinding your contract.

Time is very important in timeshare terminations, so seek legal help as soon as possible. A lawyer can guide you through the proper legal procedure and ultimately free you from the oppressive contract. Note that most contracts have a cancellation period during which you can still get out of the agreement without much hassle. But even after that period has lapsed, a good lawyer can still help you exit legally.

Monday 6 February 2017

Title Transfer Holding | How to Sell a Timeshare for Free

A timeshare is a form of ownership in a property in which different individuals pay for rights to use the property certain weeks of the year. As with many real estate transactions, attempting to sell your weeks at a timeshare property for free has its challenges. However, with a little work and initiative you can sell your timeshare without spending too much extra money.

1) Finding A BuyerReview your agreement. 

 Before you can sell your timeshare, take some time to review your agreement. This will make your rights as a timeshare owner apparent. You will know whether or not you can sell the timeshare.

  • If you have a deeded timeshare, you are considered an exclusive owner of the property. This means you can sell your timeshare.
  • However, if you have a leased timeshare you are unable to sell. You'll have to keep paying for your timeshare for a certain number of years until the lease expires.
Ask your property manager about in-house options.

Contact the property manager of your timeshare and ask him about in-house options. Some timeshare companies offer services in which those who are interested in selling their timeshares are matched with potential buyers. This is probably the easiest way to sell a timeshare as contracts and negotiations are dealt with by the original company. However, if you're looking to sell a timeshare for free this might not be a good option for you. Some timeshare companies do charge fees for in-house sales.

Advertise the property. If you've determined you can sell your timeshare and do not want to use an in-house option, you need to advertise. This can help you find potential buyers for your timeshare.
  • The easiest way to advertise is online. Find a reputable group, like Timeshare Users Group, and post about your timeshare there. However, keep in mind some users groups do charge fees.
  • You can also use free sites like e-bay to advertise your timeshare. Just be sure to use precaution when dealing with strangers online. Watch for telltale signs of scammers, such as poor English and a willingness to pay without seeing the property.
  • You can also advertise in a local newspaper. If you live in an area where you believe people might be interested in purchasing a timeshare, this can be a great way to sell your timeshare. However, this may cost a small amount of money.

2) Ensuring a Legal Transaction

Do not pay upfront fees. Many companies offer to help you sell your timeshare. They will offer fast sales and fast money. However, such companies do not do much more than post your timeshare online, which you could do yourself for free. 
  • Companies will demand a pricey upfront fee to sell your timeshare. It is listed in a variety of ways, such as a listing fee, appraisal, or title fee. However its listed, any upfront fee is usually the sign of a scam.
  • You should only go through your original company to sell your timeshare or try to sell it on your own. This is the cheapest, easiest way to sell a timeshare.
Write up a new contract. Once you find a buyer, you'll have to draft a new contract. This will shift payment and responsibility onto a new owner.
  • A contract should specify when the buyer can use the timeshare and how much money the buyer owes you. It should also specify how payments should be made. You can try writing a contract on your own. There are many contract templates you can download online that deal with timeshare sales.
  • There are some companies that can deal with closing a contract for you. However, these are costly and should be avoided if you're looking to sell for free.
  • If you don't have experience in contracts, you may want to talk to a lawyer. While there will be a cost for consulting a lawyer, if you look for an affordable business lawyer for a onetime consultation. This should not cost too much and a lawyer may even answer a few questions for free over the phone.
Deal with your loan. If you still have a loan on a timeshare, don't expect a new buyer to take over your loan. Before you can sell your timeshare, you'll need to figure out how to deal with your loan.
  • If you have a personal loan rather than a secured loan, you do not need to pay the timeshare off before selling it. If you have a personal loan, the best course of action may be to simply sell the timeshare and put the money you sold it for towards paying off your loan.
  • If you don't have a personal loan, you have to make a decision about how to deal with the loan prior to selling your timeshare. If your loan amount exceeds how much you can sell the timeshare for, you may want to hold off on selling until the loan is down to a reasonable amount. You can talk to your property manager about refinancing the loan to make payments more manageable if you're struggling to keep up with your bills.
  • Your lender may allow you to do a short sale of your timeshare. This is usually offered if the cost of the mortgage is greater than the cost of the time share. You would still have to pay the remaining loan after selling the time share but would be free of other financial obligations regarding the timeshare.
Close the sale. Once you've made a decision regarding selling a time share, you need to go through a closing process similar to when you sell a house. If you're unfamiliar with real estate deals, consider using a one time closing company. While there will be a fee of somewhere around $300, it might be worth the money. However, if you want to save money you can buy software for around $115 that walks you through the paperwork involved in closing a timeshare. It might be a good idea to have an attorney look over any documents related to a time share's closing to ensure the sale is legal.
3) Exploring Other Options

Consider renting. If you're unable to sell your timeshare for any reason, renting can be a viable option. If you know you'll no longer be able to use your timeshare, offer to rent the space to someone as a vacation rental. Keep in mind that if you rent your timeshare, you'll still be responsible for maintenance costs.
Look into donating. If you're unable to sell your timeshare, you can donate it. You can allow a friend to use the time share or actually make an effort to donate it to charity.
  • You can allow a friend or family member to use the timeshare the years you cannot make it. This way, while you'll still be stuck with an unwanted timeshare, it won't be a complete waste.
  • If allowed in your contract, you can also donate your timeshare to a charitable organization. Keep in mind this process is actually somewhat expensive as there are fees associated with the donation process. There are also little tax benefits associated with donating a timeshare. However, if you can't find a buyer donating a timeshare does free you from annual fees associated with your timeshare. 
  • Make sure any alternative options are allowed in your contract. You should always defer to the original contract when making decisions about your timeshare. Make sure there are no restrictions on renting or gifting your timeshare in the original contract. 

Friday 3 February 2017

Title Transfer Holding | Real Estate Investing For Beginners

Real Estate Investing For Beginners  Many real estate investors want to get starting flipping houses but they dont know how to get started. Beginners want to know where to get the money and how to get started investing in real estate. This training course for beginners shows the easiest barrier of entry to break into real estate investing, how to wholesale houses and plenty of tips and strategies.

If you want to get started wholesaling real estate, the market is wide open. Opportunities are in every corner of the U.S., just waiting for you to do your first deal. So get ready to help people who need to sell a house fast and make yourself a nice profit along the way.

Check out these tips on investing in real estate for beginners.